TAMDC Waco "give back" hunt, at V.A. Medical Center housing rebuild project

TAMDC "give back" hunt 5/25/24 parnter hunt for the Stan Parker Foundation at the Waco Miller V.A. medical center's (3) 1930's buildings rebuild site, for veterans housing.  30  TAMDC members dug for several hours .   We found a wide variety of stuff, with silver coins, wheats, toys, tokens, and lots of junk metal.  TAMDC awarded silver prizes for best finds and ticket draws.   Stan Parker provided a free lunch, water, and watermelons!    We have a great time and are proud to support the veterans.  The good finds were given to the rebuilt building future new welcome center displays.  Video and pictures at TAMDC Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/groups/291546370549163    Thanks,   Byron Whitaker TAMDC VP.... Read More

Bobby Sullivan

Earlier this year Minelab sent Bobby to Austin to do some basic training on Minelab metal detectors with someone who would be using them in a History Channel special program.... Read More


Congratulations to our SECOND 2019 Featured Hunter!! Reaping life's rewards one ring at a time!! Scott (with Galveston Island Treasure Club) works hard and hunts well, with his many finds to prove it. But Scott prefers to reap a deeper gratification, one that touches the hearts of so many. ... Read More

Herman Denzler

Congratulations to our first New Year 2019 featured hunter!! Exciting times can happen anywhere as long as you pay attention. Luckily Herman (with Lone Star Treasure Hunters Club) was in the right place at the right time, and was able to use his skills to help track down a missing ring. ... Read More

Terry Smith

Congratulations to our THIRD 2019 Featured Hunter!! It definitely pays off being a known treasure hunter in East Texas! Not only getting to go on extreme hunts for the worlds lost treasures but getting to display those in one of the regions most notorious museums. ... Read More